Channel: Pelatihan Internet Marketing & Manajemen Proyek Mudah
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Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Windows Server, 2001

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP), Windows Server

Examination Score Report

1. 070-215: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:G60SYD03D6
Date:June 26, 2001Passing Score:660
Exam Number:070-215
Your Score:760

2. 070-217: Implementing and Administering a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:G9FSYD05C8
Date:September 01, 2001Passing Score:651
Exam Number:070-217
Your Score:764

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certifed Professional (MCP) Credential Logo

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), 2002

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), 2002

Examination Score Report

Cisco Certified Network Associate



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:H26SYD05DI
Date:January 14, 2002Passing Score:849
Exam Number:640-507
Your Score:935

Performance in each section of the exam


OSI Reference Model & Layered Communication:94%

Network Protocols:90%
WAN Protocols:85%
Network Management:100%
LAN Design:100%
Cisco Basics, IOS, and Network Basics:85%

Cisco Certified Network Associated (CCNA) Credential Logo

Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Credential Logo

Cisco Certified Design Associated (CCDA), 2002

Cisco Certified Design Associated (CCDA), 2002

Examination Score Report *

Cisco Certified Design Associate



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:
Passing Score:
Exam Number:640-441 DCN
Your Score:

Performance in each section of the exam


OSI Reference Model & Layered Communication:

Network Protocols:
WAN Protocols:
Network Management:
LAN Design:
Cisco Basics, IOS, and Network Basics:

*) Currently the exam score report paper wasn't found by me. 

Cisco Certified Design Associated (CCDA) Credential Logo


Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) .NET Framework 2.0, Web Applications, 2007

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) .NET Framework 2.0, Web Applications

Examination Score Report

070-528: TS: Microsoft® .NET Framework 2.0, Web-Based Client Development



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:P55SYD5590
Date:October 6, 2007Passing Score:700
Exam Number:070-528
Your Score:1000

Microsoft Certified Professional (MCTS) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Web Developer, 2010

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Web Developer, 2010

Examination Score Report *

070-547: PRO: Designing and Developing Web-based Applications by Using the Microsoft® .NET Framework



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:
Date:March 4, 2010Passing Score:
Exam Number:070-547
Your Score:

*) Some information cannot be completed as the exam score report paper is missing.

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), ASP .NET Developer 3.5 , 2011

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), ASP .NET Developer 3.5

Examination Score Report 

070-567: PRO: Transition Your MCPD Web Developer Skills to MCPD ASP.NET Developer 3.5.



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:U9BSYD5850
Date:June 30, 2011Passing Score:700
Exam Number:070-547
Your Score:on 70-564: Pro: Designing and Developing ASP.NET Applications Using the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 : 1000
on 70-562: TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET Application Development : 970

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Web Developer 4, 2011

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD), Web Developer 4, 2011

Examination Score Report 

070-523: PRO: Transition Your MCPD.NET Framework 3.5 Web Developer Skills to MCPD.NET Framework 4 Web Developer.



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:UB1SYD5468
Date:July 28, 2011Passing Score:700
Exam Number:070-523
Your Score:on TS: Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 : 1000
on TS: Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 : 1000
on Pro: Designing and Developing Web Applications Using Microsoft .NET Framework 4 : 1000
on TS: Windows Communication Foundation Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 : 957

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance, 2011

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance, 2011

Examination Score Report 

070-448: TS: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence Development and Maintenance



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:UDBSYD8FDD
Date:September 29, 2011Passing Score:700
Exam Number:070-448
Your Score:863

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Credential Logo

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) Credential Logo

MCP Transcript

URL: https://mcp.microsoft.com/authenticate/validatemcp.aspx

Enter information:
Transcript ID: 724489
Access code : password

PMI Certified Associated in Project Management (CAPM), 2013

ITIL V3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management, 2013

ITIL V3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management, 2013

Examination Score Report 

ITIL-F ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management



Wahyu Dian Purnomo

Site ID


Candidate ID:SP3223532Registration:Y1FSYD5144
Date:December 4, 2013Passing Score:65%
Your Score:100%

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Foundation  Credential Logo

ITILF Credential Logo

General & IT Project Management Training - Basic & Intermediate Level

Opening new class in General and IT Project Management Training - Basic & Intermediate Level

Training Topics

Day #1

  • General Project Management Basics
    • Introduction to General Project Management Basics
      • Scope management
      • Time management
      • Cost management
    • Study Case 1: Approaching working environment issues without project management knowledge and skills
    • Study Case 2: Approaching working environment issues without project management experience
    • Study Case 3: Approaching working environment issues with project management knowledge, skills, and experience
  • Project Management Authorities
    • Project Management Institute (PMI)
    • Office of Goverment Commerce (OGC)
  • Special skills in IT Project Management - Golden Triangle
  • Project management in day-to-day applications 
  • Organization, projects, project team
  • Communications, meeting, and reporting
  • Common risks, issues, and disputes in project management
  • Project group phases

Day #2

  • 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas
    • Integration management
    • Scope management
    • Time management
    • Cost management
    • Quality management
    • Human resource management
    • Communication management
    • Risk management
    • Procurement management
    • Stakeholder management
  • Project management is a top three most hunted professional
  • Project management carrier and certifications
  • Project manager's code ethics and professional responsibilities

Training Fee

  • Rp. 1,000,000/person* (regular, minimal 8 person, corporate or personal)
  • Rp. 1,500,000/person** (private)
*) Includes snack, coffee breaks 3x, lunch, and Certificate of Accomplishment by Creative Business Art in Project Management. 
**) Including Certificate of Accomplishment by Creative Business Art in Project Management. Training is hold at the trainee's home/place.


Sat, 6 & 13 Sep 2014         - 09:00 - 17:30 : Regular (closed)
Sat, 20 & 27 Sep 2014       - 09:00 - 16:30 : Regular (closed)

Note: For private class, please add your request to me with my contact below.




Assumed no project management knowledge or experiences as general project management basics will be included in this training.

Training Language

Bahasa Indonesia, English, or Bi-lingual

Promotional Stuff

  • Discount 20% for registration before end of August 2014
  • Free IT project management consultation for 3 months

    For registration please email wahyudotasia@gmail.com. Contact number will be provided in the replying email.

    Success for you!

    IT Project Manager

    Bonus: Personal Project Management topic for training attendees on September 2014.

    Are you my sparring partner? (orang yang dipinjam Tuhan)

    Marc Marquez 2013 MotoGP World Champion

    Yang namanya hidup pastilah ada suka dan dukanya. Berselang-seling. Seperti roda kadang seseorang berada di atas. Kadang di bawah.

    Ada orang-orang yang saat di atas bisa mempertahankan dirinya sehingga terus berada di atas. Mereka pasti juga pernah di bawah tapi hanya sebentar. Tapi mereka segera bangkit untuk bisa kembali berada di atas.

    Tapi ada juga orang yang sebaliknya. Lama berada di bawah tapi tidak naik-naik. Tanya kenapa?

    Yang namanya suka dalam kehidupan adalah ketika semua kebutuhan dan keinginan bisa terpenuhi dengan segera. Semuanya selalu tersedia ketika dibutuhkan atau diinginkan.

    Sedangkan yang namanya duka adalah hidup tidak sesuai dengan keinginan, walaupun kebutuhan sebenarnya sudah terpenuhi.

    Mengapa ada orang-orang yang kita sukai dan mereka menyukai kita? Saling memberikan kebahagiaan dan tidak menyakiti satu sama lainnya?

    Tapi mengapa juga harus ada orang yang terus-menerus menyakiti kita, mencari jalan untuk membuat kita susah, merasa kalah, lemah dan menjadi bahan bully-an baginya?

    Orang Yang Dipinjam Tuhan

    Tentu kita semua sebagai umat Islam benar-benar menyadari bahwa semua yang terjadi adalah atas kehendaknya. Manusia dilahirkan dan dimatikan atas kehendak-Nya. Kebahagiaan dan kesengsaraan ditimpakan atas ijin-Nya. Bahkan sehelai daun yang gugur ke atas tanah pun adalah atas sepengetahuan dan seijin-Nya.

    Bagaimana dengan orang-orang yang menyakiti kita itu? Apakah mereka itu juga adalah kehendak-Nya?

    Karena semua yang terjadi di alam semesta ini adalah sesuai pengetahuan dan ijin Allah, maka sebenarnya orang-orang yang telah menyakiti kita itu adalah orang-orang yang dipinjam oleh Allah.

    Lho bisa begitu?

    Allah meminjam orang-orang tersebut untuk menyakiti kita untuk membuat kita menjadi dewasa. Menjadi pembelajar. Mengambil hikmah dari hal-hal yang menyakitkan itu.

    Ingat, obat yang murni dan manjur biasanya pahit. Kecuali kalau dicampur dengan pemanis dan komponen aditif lainnya. Tapi kemanjurannya jadi berkurang.

    Mengapa harus orang yang dipinjam?

    Karena dengan begitu kita jadi bisa belajar. Bisa memahami bahwa ada yang salah di diri kita. Ada yang perlu diperbaiki atau disiapkan untuk menerima hal-hal yang penting di masa yang akan datang.

    Kita berdoa meminta kesuksesan dalam hidup di dunia dan akhirat. Dan jawaban Allah adalah bagaimana kita bisa berkontribusi dalam hidup dan kehidupan ini supaya menjadi sukes di dunia dan akhirat.

    Maka diadakanlah pelatihan dalam universitas kehidupan ini. Dibuatlah suatu peran dan peristiwanya supaya terjadi hikmah dan pelajaran yang bisa diambil dan diterapkan di fase-fase kehidupan setelahnya.

    Jika kita masih membangkang, maka mungkin bukan orang lagi yang dipinjam oleh Allah untuk mengingatkan kita. Dan kita berharap ini tidak terjadi. Astaghfirullah wa atuubu 'ilaihi.

    Bagaimana Jika Ada Orang Yang Menyakiti Diri Kita?

    Maka jika ada yang menyakiti diri kita, sesungguhnya mereka dipinjam Allah untuk mendewasakan kita.

    Kalau kita sudah memahami hal ini maka yang kita dapatkan nanti adalah hikmah dan pelajaran yang berarti dari peristiwa tersebut. Dan kita mungkin terhenyak dan bersyukur ada yang menyakiti kita. Tapi setelah itu kita langsung kembali bangkit dengan hikmah dan pelajaran yang telah didapat.

    Ingatlah bahwa bukan hanya mereka yang dipinjam Allah untuk menyakiti kita. Diri kita pun sering dipinjam Allah untuk menyakiti orang lain. Dan kalau kita renungi, banyak dari perbuatan tersebut baik yang kita sengaja atau tidak sengaja.

    Bahkan kalau kita merasa sudah banyak berbuat baik kepada orang pun, bisa saja kita masih dipinjam Allah untuk mendewasakan orang lain. Dengan artian kita menyakiti orang lain padahal tidak ada maksud untuk itu atau tidak sengaja.

    Karena mereka dipinjam Allah saat menyakiti kita, maka sikap kita ketika disakiti adalah ikhlas dan memaafkan. Karena mungkin saja sama seperti kita, mereka tidak sengaja atau bahkan tidak tahu sama-sekali bahwa perkataan atau perbuatannya menyakiti kita.

    Kecuali kalau terjadi penzoliman yang mengarah pada kekerasan, maka kita wajib melerai diri kita atau orang lain dan mengupayakan perbaikan.

    Yang dimaksud dengan menyakiti di sini adalah dengan tulisan, perkataan, dan perbuatan yang tidak mengarah pada kekerasan fisik.

    Dengan begini hati kita akan terus lapang, ikhlas dalam melakukan apapun lillahi ta’ala, dan terus-terusan memaafkan orang lain yang telah berbuat dosa kepada kita baik mereka sengaja ataupun tidak.

    Rahasia Sukses

    Jika kita ikhlas dan memaafkan, maka semua waktu dan sumber daya yang ada akan digunakan seoptimal mungkin untuk menggapai kesuksesan di dunia dan akhirat. Tidak dihabiskan hanya untuk merenungi rasa sakit, balas dendam, marah dan bermusuhan berkepanjangan, dan bahkan saling mencelakakan.

    Kunci kebahagiaan dan kesuksesan dunia dan akhirat adalah: ikhlas dan memaafkan.

    Jika Anda harus membenci, maka bencilah perkataan atau perbuatannya. Jangan benci orangnya karena dia sama seperti kita: ciptaan Tuhan. Tapi jika Anda mencintai, cintailah orangnya, bukan perkataan dan perbuatannya. Karena orangnya adalah sama dengan kita: ciptaan Tuhan.

    Ingin menjadi orang nomer 1 di bidang Anda? Menjadi seperti Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, Valentino Rossi, Michael Schumacer, Christian Ronaldo, Messi, Ibnu Khaldun, Al Khawarizmi, Muhammad Al Fatih, Salahuddin Al Ayyubi, dan mereka-mereka yang berprestasi di pentas dunia?

    Apakah ciri-ciri utama mereka yang selalu terlihat?

    Mereka fokus pada pencapaian tujuan sehingga sakit hati, marah, tersinggung, dendam, dan hal lainnya tidak sempat terbersit di lapisan perasaan dan pikiran mereka. Sehingga lapisan bawah sadar mereka terus membuat program-progam dan SOP-SOP yang semakin hari semakin baik dan kuat.

    Jadilah orang ikhlas dan maafkan semua orang, tapi bukan berarti lemah dan mengikuti kehendak orang lain. Namun tetap teguh dan bertekad untuk menjadi yang terbaik di bidangnya. Maafkan dan perbaiki semua kekurangan dan kesalahan.

    Sehingga kita bisa tetap fokus pada pencapaian tujuan utama: apakah itu umroh tahun ini, menjadi karyawan berprestasi, atau membuka lapangan kerja baru bagi banyak orang. Dan kita tetap berada di komunitas dengan orang-orang yang kita cintai dan mencintai kita. Aamiin.

    Christiano Ronaldo

    Sumber asli: http://www.baitussalam-umroh.com/2014/06/orang-yang-dipinjam-tuhan-promo-program.html

    Starter Kit: Manajer Proyek Level I

    SKMP I-1
    SKMP I-1. First presentation consists of 71 pages (doc. version 1.1).

    Some sample pages of SKMP I-1:

    SKMP I-1 Page 2
    SKMP I-1 Page 2

    SKMP I-1 Page 17
    SKMP I-1 Page 17

    SKMP I-1 Page 26
    SKMP I-1 Page 26

    SKMP I-1 Page 56
    SKMP I-1 Page 56

    SKMP I-1 Page 71
    SKMP I-1 Page 71

    SKMP I-2
    SKMP I-2. Second presentation consists of 41 pages (doc. version 1.1).

    SKMP I-3
    SKMP I-3. Third presentation consists of 23 pages (doc. version 1.1).

    Copyright (c) 2014 Ebiz Cipta Solusi, PT.

    Starter Kit: Tim Proyek Level I

    SKTP I
    SKTP Level I consists of 52 pages (version 1.0).

    Some sample pages of SKTP Level I:

    SKTP I Page 3
    SKTP I Page 3

    SKTP I Page 24
    SKTP I Page 24

    SKTP I Page 30
    SKTP I Page 30

    SKTP I Page 37
    SKTP I Page 37

    SKTP I Page 42
    SKTP I Page 42

    SKTP I Page 51
    SKTP I Page 51

    Copyright (c) 2014 Ebiz Cipta Solusi, PT.

    PMO Guide Level I

    PMOG I
    PMO Development Guide Presentation Cover

    PMO Development Roadmap
    Page 2. PMO Development Roadmap

    Plan Phase
    Page 6. PMO Development's Plan Phase

    PMO Development Roadmap Timeline
    Page 15. PMO Development Roadmap Timeline

    Implementation Phase
    Page 18. PMO Development's Implementation Phase

    Manager Phase
    Page 27. PMO Development's Manage Phase.

    Sample 6 of 36 pages document (PMO Guide Level I Version 1.1.0).
    Copyright (c) 2014 Ebiz Cipta Solusi, PT.

    IT Software Development in Logicstics Company


    Supported and administered all aspects of computer, network, and communication systems at corporate headquarter, warehouse sites, and 7 remote branch offices.

    Wahyu's Experiences at FIN Logistics

    Date: Jul 2006 – Dec 2007

    Senior IT and System Administrator
    PT. Fajar Insan Nusantara (FIN Logistics), Jakarta, Indonesia

    FIN Logistics (http://www.finlogistics.co.id) is reputable freight forwarding and integrated logistics company in Indonesia that has been established since 1977. In cooperation with Hellmann worldwide networking USA and MLG (Mitsui Logistics, Japan), many multinational companies with various businesses had been served by the company. There are 7 branch offices with approximately 250 workforces and annual turnover more than IDR 100 billion.

    Key Roles & Responsibilities
    • Reported to the IT Head, supported and administered all aspects of computer, network, and communication systems at corporate headquarter, warehouse sites, and 7 remote branch offices. Focused aspects are performance, availability, reliability, security, and scalability.
    • Administered and documented weekly and monthly reports and reporting system for all offices.
    • Wrote required manual guides, documentations, rules, and standard operating procedures.
    • Overseen a staff of technical support in supporting daily computer and network operation and an annual operating budget of IDR 1 billion for computers, network devices, licensed software, and required trainings.

    Key Achievements
    Software development
    • Developed and implemented task order system application to manage tasks and assignments, used by all departments. The system allowed unique number assignments for different section, department, and person in order to automate priority listing for submitted tasks. Made employees focused on prioritized jobs. Improved employees’ productivities and performances. 
    • Developed and implemented additional ledger into existing accounting application. The additional ledger separated accounting journal details which allowed accounting application to retrieve detail data only whenever required. Increased application performance is gained.

    System, database, and network configuration and administration
    • Restructured corporate System Development Department organization into four divisions (IT, IS, EDP and Manual Procedure) with distinct functions and more manageable job and task assignments. Related employees became more productive within their focused jobs and skill enhancements. IT service request tickets were completed more than 50% faster than before.
    • Authored more structured and strong IT and IS regulation and policies, implemented domain- and network wide. They formed more respectable system profiles and prevent from untraceable system alters. Resulted in saved costs and decreased problems and downtime of PCs, servers, and network to 50%-90% each month.
    • Planned, implemented, and organized the use of service request forms for every internal and external request for IT services and facilities. Implemented log books for all server and network configuration changes. The service request forms and log books recorded the system changes and allowed rolling back system configuration quickly while in the disaster recovery process.
    • Implemented accepted standard document code scheme and common network and folder structures to simplify document and file organization. Resulted in easier and more centralized backup operations, easier file documentation, predictable file and folder sharing and location. Improved employees’ productivities, performances, and user experiences in file and folder operations than before.
    • Led successful project in implementing VPN connection using MPLS to interconnect headquarter and branch offices; resulted in increased speed to access corporate services, data, and information published on a central corporate intranet web site. Two-way information distribution and retrieval were happening in a real time manner, saved much time and efforts in information distribution and retrieval which resulted in adding more values to the company in words of saved cost and increased productivities.
    • Implemented and configured KOFAX integrated data transfer system and application from H/O and branch offices to Hellmann Asia Pacific data center in Hong Kong; made large shipment information delivered in faster, more efficient, and errorless manners. Saved more bandwidth for other data, saved more time of operational personnel to do similar job in traditional manner. 
    • Built database replication system that includes 7 remote branches as subscribers and publishers. Increased in faster and more accurate data retrieval and consolidation report generation. Provided automatically replicated database backup which saved times for IT personnel, saved costs for additional backup activities, and increased database availability by 98% uptime.

    Date: Oct 2003 – Jan 2006

    Senior IT Staff

    Key Roles & Responsibilities
    • Reported to the IT Head, supported and administered servers, workstations, network, and communication systems at corporate headquarter, warehouse sites, and 7 branch offices.
    • Performed and monitored system states, files, and database backup processes and planned disaster recovery strategies.
    • Installed, configured, and supported external applications provided by customers, agents, or government to comply data format and data communication with the international trading and government regulations.
    • Developed application to support the management information system. 
    • Wrote required manual guides, documentations, rules, and standard operating procedures.
    • Other assignments instructed by the IT Head.

    Key Achievements
    Software development
    • Developed Cargo System application that integrated all operational logistics and warehouse departments to key in shipping data (job order, sales commitments, invoices, value added tax) and generated various fully customized reports in a single application, centralized data and information for faster data retrieval and report generation than before. Saved much times, cost, and efforts of IT personnel while in developing, distributing, maintaining, and troubleshooting multiple applications. Prevented users confuse and increased users comfortable in using and maintaining a single application than multiple applications. 
    • Developed warehouse management system to trace and monitor goods in/out of the warehouse more quickly and accurately, prevented warehouse administrator from looking for current stock amount using common spreadsheet application. Saved times and prevented human errors.  
    • Developed a Web-based intranet system that incorporated departmental functions and services -including online HR, accounting web and report services, online circular and personal pages to provide information in a centralized point. Thus, allowed stakeholder updated critical information sooner.

    System configuration and administration
    • Led successful project in migrating flat-databases of accounting and cargo to RDBMS, resulted in increased performance, availability, reliability, security, and scalability. Previous row- and table-level locking problem and other problems related to flat database were 100% solved. 
    • Built successful implementations of database replication between headquarter and operational offices to provide users with real-time shipment data and information. Provided automatically replicated database backup which saves times for IT personnel, saved costs for additional backup activities, and increased database availability by 99.9% uptime.
    • Planned and released Chart of Account (COA) scheme to be matched between accounting and cargo system application. Developed an application to auto journal revenue and operational cost from cargo system to accounting database using mapped account numbers. This shipment data import application prevented bookkeeping personnel to manually journaling total amount data of large shipment revenue and direct costs only, and prevented the losing of shipment detail data. Saved times and prevented human errors.
    • Planned and enabled Windows domain environment to administer user and group accounts and domain resources more efficient and effective. Resulted in more manageable users, groups, and resources administration gained. 
    • Defined and implemented appropriate domain security policy, auditing, disk quota, and network share permissions to prevent security issues to arise. Increased security in resource management and user permission distribution.

    5 Langkah Manajemen Waktu Rahasia Sukses bagi Suami Tangguh

    5 Langkah Manajemen Waktu bagi Suami Tangguh

    Bagi seorang suami, baik saya atau Anda, mengelola waktu dengan baik sudah menjadi suatu kewajiban utama. Karena bukan hanya mengelola waktu untuk dirinya sendiri, tapi juga mengelola waktu seluruh anggota keluarganya.

    Agar seorang suami bisa mengelola waktu dengan efisien dan efektif, berikut 5 buah langkah manajemen waktu yang diadopsi dari praktek terbaik manajemen proyek. Yang tentunya sudah disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan sang suami.

    Kata orang bule waktu adalah uang. Kata orang Arab waktu lebih berharga daripada emas. Ya, waktu adalah kehidupan.

    Waktu adalah kehidupan.

    Catatan: langkah-langkah ini untuk manajemen waktu harian. Untuk manajemen waktu mingguan, bulanan, semesteran, tahunan, dan seterusnya bisa mengambil analogi dari manajemen waktu harian ini.

    Langkah #1: Tentukan target.

    Tentukan target

    Menentukan target harian tidak harus serumit dan selengkap mungkin. Biasanya target diambil dari pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang masih pending, masalah-masalah yang belum selesai, janji dan hutang dalam bentuk apa saja, kebutuhan dan keinginan yang belum terpenuhi.

    Ini beberapa contoh sederhana target harian:

    1. Saya akan menyelesaikan semua tugas kerja yang masih pending
    2. Saya akan mengantarkan anak ke rumah orang tua
    3. Saya akan mengklarifikasi permasalahan itu dengan atasan saya
    4. Saya akan pergi ke Bandung untuk jalan-jalan
    5. Saya akan mencari komponen elektroknik yang diperlukan

    Contohnya bisa ditambahkan lagi yang sesuai dengan target-target tertentu dalam keluarga Anda. Misal membeli rumah lagi, investasi, menyekolahkan anak ke sekolah terbaik, pergi haji atau umroh, dan sebagainya.

    Langkah #2: Tentukan prioritas.

    Tentukan prioritas

    Tidak semua target bisa dikerjakan dalam satu waktu. Karenanya harus disusun prioritas target mana yang harus didahulukan deadlinenya.

    Berikut contoh target yang sudah disusun berdasarkan prioritas.

    1. Penting dan mendesak
        - Saya akan mengklarifikasi permasalahan itu dengan atasan saya

    2. Penting dan tidak mendesak
        - Saya akan menyelesaikan semua tugas kerja yang masih pending
        - Saya akan mengantarkan anak ke rumah orang tua untuk berlibur

    3. Tidak penting tapi mendesak
        - Saya akan pergi ke Bandung untuk jalan-jalan

    4. Tidak penting dan tidak mendesak
        - Saya akan mencari komponen elektroknik yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki radio tape

    Langkah #3: Tentukan deadline.

    Tentukan deadline

    Target penyelesaian ditentukan berdasarkan prioritas, perkiraan tersedianya waktu, tenaga, dan pikiran untuk menyelesaikan target harian tersebut.


    Target #1: Saya akan mengklarifikasi permasalahan itu dengan atasan saya
    Deadline: besok/tanggal ...
    Resource: saya, anak buah saya, rekan kerja, atasan saya, dokumen-dokumen terkait

    Target #2: Saya akan menyelesaikan semua tugas kerja yang masih pending
    Deadline: Jumat/tanggal ...
    Resource: saya, anak buah (Doni), office boy, sekretaris departemen, bagian keuangan, dokumen terkait

    Target #3: Saya akan mengantarkan anak ke rumah orang tua
    Deadline: liburan semester/tanggal:
    Resource: saya, istri, anak saya, mobil, bbm, tol, parkir

    Dan seterusnya.

    Langkah #4. Kerjakan atau delegasikan!

    Kerjakan atau delegasikan

    Setelah target dan deadline ditentukan, langkah selanjutnya adalah mengerjakan atau mendelegasikannya. Dalam prakteknya, pengerjaan ini bisa dilakukan sendiri atau dengan orang lain sesuai target yang sudah ditentukan.

    Jika dilakukan dengan orang lain, maka akan dibutuhkan keahlian komunikasi efektif dan negosiasi. Insya Allah akan diulas di artikel mendatang.

    Jika didelegasikan, pastikan orang yang akan mengerjakannya paham instruksi Anda, memiliki alat dan keahlian yang dibutuhkan untuk mengerjakannya, diberikan waktu pas (tidak kurang dan tidak lebih, meskipun di Anda sendiri akan memberikan toleransi keterlambatan tapi tidak banyak dan tidak diinformasikan kepada orang itu) untuk mengerjakannya, dan diberikan otoritas/kewenangan yang diperlukan terkait penyelesaian tugas itu.


    Tugas 4. Tidak penting dan tidak mendesak
                 - Saya akan mencari komponen elektroknik yang diperlukan untuk memperbaiki radio tape

    Delegasi ke: Pak Udin
    Briefing      : Besok/hari/tanggal...

    Serahkan setiap tugas pada ahlinya.

    Hasil penyelesaian diusahakan bisa tepat seusai target yang diharapkan tidak kurang dan tidak lebih. Misalnya targetnya adalah mengklarifikasi masalah dengan atasan. Jika masalah sudah diklarifikasi dengan baik, maka cukup sampai di situ pengerahan resources yang ada.

    Jika ada target lain misalnya akan meminta kenaikan karir, maka kembali dbuat sebagai target, ditentukan prioritasnya, deadlinenya, dan baru beraksi.

    Langkah #5. Feedback & Continuous Improvement/Lesson learnt.

    Semua hasil penyelesaian target baik yang berhasil atau yang gagal disimpan dalam suatu history yang sederhana saja. Minimal untuk mengingatkan kalau nanti ada target yang serupa atau sama, bisa melakukan langkah-langkah suksesnya atau menghindari langkah-langkah gagalnya.

    Feedback & Continuous Improvement/Lesson learnt

    “Demi masa, sesungguhnya manusia itu benar-benar dalam keadaan merugi (celaka), kecuali orang-orang yang beriman, beramal shalih, saling menasehati dalam kebenaran, dan saling menasehati dalam kesabaran.”

    Keep improve dan salam sukses dalam manajemen waktu Anda!

    5 Langkah Manajemen Waktu Rahasia Sukses bagi Suami Tangguh:
    Target - Prioritas - Deadline - Kerjakan/delegasikan - Feedback

    IT Software Development in Oil and Gas Industry

    IT Software Development in Oil and Gas Industry

    Developed complex applications related to oilfield survey and operations.

    Wahyu's Experiences at JawaSoft

    Date: Dec 2007 – Dec 2008

    .NET Developer
    PT. Jawa Soft, Jakarta, Indonesia

    PT. Jawa Soft (http://www.jawasoft.com), a software development company, is an association of R-WEB Limited Australia (http://www.r-web.com). It provides software development services like oil and gas application development. The products have been used by major petroleum and service companies like International Logging, Apache Energy Pty. Ltd., Daewoo L&G, BHP Billiton, ConocoPhilips Indonesia and Australia, Chevron Australia, ENI, Transworld Oil, Marathon Oil, OMV, and Weatherford.

    Key Roles & Responsibilities
    • Reported to the Lead Developer, migrating old application to the newer version using newer development tool and database.
    • Fixed errors and bugs introduced by existing applications.
    • Developed applications related to oilfield operations.
    • Supported application users and clients.

    Key Achievements
    Software development
    • Migrated and added new features to newly migrated application.
    • Enabled rig application to support SQL Server 2005 and developed new tool to integrate with new SQL Server 2005 replication model using the Replication Management Object (RMO) classes.
    • Developed Survey Calculator tool to easily retrieve the interpolated survey point based on the measured depth.
    • Developed Pressure Explorer application to use in oilfield rigs. The application was used to store project, well, suite, datarun, and formation pressure data. It was a primary application of a well site data capture, data management, and reporting tool. The separation of business logic objects, user interface objects, and application frameworks extended the application’s scalability and maintainability.
    • Developed an integrated data export and import tool that dynamically recognized the import fields and unit systems. It had the capability to do conversion between compatible unit systems. Prevented manual conversion and human error calculation. 
    • Designed MS Report Viewer to display data in a custom format and layout. The integrated rich controls and layouts displayed comprehensive data in a clearer and more readable manner. 
    • Implemented NHibernate system to enable data layer processing in an automatic manner. Enabled developers to focus on the business logic than manually constructing routines of data retrieval/persistence from/to the database server.
    • Redesigned and refactored Pressure Explorer application to implement Microsoft Composite UI Application Block (CAB) and Smart Client Software Factory (SCSF) to enable loosely-coupled communications between application modules. This implementation made application more consistent and robust in terms of sharing common application states, authorization, and licensing schema. 
    • Developed modular licensing schema that complies CAB & SCSF design patterns. Application could load the modules which were required to be licensed based on the customer order. Extended the application licensing scalability technically and commercially (based-on business point of view).
    • Enabled CrypKey licensing software implementation for Windows XP Professional x64 Edition and Windows Vista 64-bit Edition.
    • Developed modular online help system and context-sensitive help that complied CAB & SCSF design patterns. Enabled each module to register its help file and help topics when being loaded by CAB Object Builder. Finally, the resulting help window would show the topics of loaded modules only. Added more professional values to the application.
    • Created a code standard document referenced by .NET developers in creating a recommended code blocks in terms of standardization. Made more readable and error prone application’s code. Easier reading by other developers in a team system development environment.

    System administration
    • Created a testing network environment on several VMWare servers that included Windows domain controllers, Citrix CPS 4.0 servers, database servers, and workstations with several different operating systems and service packs. More consistent and easier testing procedure and documentation activities saved developers’ time and effort much.

    Information Technology & Project Management in Mining Industry

    Thiess Indonesia

    "Data Tambang" application development that captures survey data from pit’s seams, stockpile, washing and barging, as well as development of custom management and client reports.

    Wahyu's Experiences at Thiess Indonesia

    Date: Dec 2008 – May 2012  

    Software Development Specialist II
    PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

    PT. Thiess Contractors Indonesia, TCI or Thiess Indonesia in short, (http://www.thiess.co.id) is a multinational mining company with over 8000+ employees in Indonesia alone. Thiess Indonesia is a group of Thiess Pty. Ltd., Australia (http://www.thiess.com.au), which established more than 75 years ago, is under Leighton Holdings Limited (http://www.leighton.com.au) holding company. Thiess Indonesia provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, oil and gas, and telecommunication across a number of operational locations throughout Indonesia over 20 years.

    Key Roles & Responsibilities
    • Reported to the Software Development Senior Supervisor, responsible to all software development life cycles on both new and current applications.
    • Led the Australian Mining Operations survey application development and enhancements.
    • Coordinated with Resource Development, Thiess Business Services - Systems Australia (Thiess Pty. Ltd.) in supporting on-site production mining applications and developing and optimizing report applications.
    • Supported hundreds of InfoMINE users throughout operational mining sites in Indonesia.
    • Administered IIS and ColdFusion MX application servers, intranet applications, and SharePoint Services servers, database and InfoMINE servers.

    Key Achievements

    Software development
    • Qualified and designated by THIESS Australia Application Management function authorities as the lead developer to start complete Indonesian Mining System development, data capture from pit to barging, which consisted of data survey and production in several modules. Related Cost Control modules were developed and integrated to it for its attraction as application that accommodated business requirements well.  By using the web-based application, the data centralization is achieved. Survey Department staff productivity is increased by 50%.
    • Sent to Thiess Business Services – Systems, Brisbane, Australia to learn open pit mining system application developed using Java, SQL query cost optimization, and advanced SQL Server Reporting Services. While back to Indonesia, found and solved long time-unsolved complex query loop issues by analyzing the SQL Server query execution activities.
    • Assigned to plan, configure, and administer first Team Foundation Server 2010 deployment in the company, setup the required cube data warehouse, integrated with MS Project activities and tasks, integrated with distributed MS Excel and SSRS reporting. Implemented firstly for ICT Department, other departments such us Business Services, Survey, and Supply Chain requested to have each site collection. Planned to lead the implementation for Australian users. Improved control and evaluation related to project and application lifecycle management (ALM). 
    • Developed Mining Survey application for Australian Mining Operation.
    • Developed Custom Clearance application for Domestics, Sea Freight, and Air Freight logistics operations.
    • Developed Mining Survey application, for Thiess Indonesia Business Unit, that captured survey data from pit’s seams, stockpile, washing and barging, as well as develop custom management and client reports.

    System configuration and administration
    • Installed, configured, and administered MS Team Foundation Server 2010 to track project tasks and states and improve business process.
    • Planned and configured Urchin Web Analytics software with current intranet sites. Web traffics, which were retrieved from site logs, could be analyzed to produce statistical information about users’ trends in accessing data and information, favorite pages, and traffic peak time. Provided valuable information for web developers to focus in improving specific parts of sites and plan for further web sites development.
    • Planned, deployed, and configured Oracle Primavera Project Planner 5 with SQL Server 2005 database. SQL 2005 boosts data access processes requested by many Project Planner clients.
    • Planned, deployed, configured, and customized Redmine Software Development Project Management application with Apache web server and mySQL database. Software development projects were more manageable. All project tasks were grouped per-project basis, sorted by their categories and priorities, integrated with e-mail notification and LDAP authentication. Much easier for project members to organize each details of their project tasks. Saving much time in organizing tasks ends up in more productive time available to complete more tasks.
    • Migrated SharePoint Services 2.0 to SharePoint Services 3.0.
    • Integrated SiteHelpDesk IT help desk application with Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service and Windows 2003 Active Directory’s LDAP to ease application’s maintenance and user’s IT request ticket administration.
    • Planned the implementation of iPhone and iPod touch on the enterprise messaging system.

    Summary of Roles and Achievements
    • Software Development. Developed high quality software applications.
    • IT Project Management
      • Created software project management plans
      • Improved project tracking system and process improvement phases
    • Team Leadership. Led Indonesia and Australian Mining software development projects.
    • Supervisory. Assisted in supervising team and junior developers.


    THIESS Business Service’s “Kami Bisa” Excellence Award of Customer Focus and Timely Delivery of Services, infoMINE P2P Project.

    IT Project Management in IT Industry


    Ensuring service level and customer satisfaction metrics are met and building collaborative customer relationships with client.

    Wahyu's Experiences at Ebiz

    Date: Jan 2013 – Feb 2014

    Senior Developer (Co-Project Manager), IT Project Manager, Head of PMO
    PT. Ebiz Cipta Solusi, Jakarta, Indonesia

    PT. eBiz Cipta Solusi (http://www.ebizcipta.com/), a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner for Data Management Solution, is a leading information technology company providing IT solutions using Microsoft technologies and is well known for their expertise on Business Performance Management, Business Process Management, Enterprise Project Management, and enterprise application development.

    Established in 2001, PT. Ebiz Cipta Solusi has delivered successful projects for a diverse range of customers including Banking, Multi Financial, Insurance, Pharmaceutical, and the Construction sector.

    Oct 2013 – present: Head of Project Management Office 
    Key Roles & Responsibilities
    • Report to the President Director.
    • Continue and establish PMI-based PMO strategy and framework implementation from previous Head of PMO and modify to meet business needs and satisfy business requirements.
    • Lead and develop PMO that provides policies, methodologies, templates, support and guidance to manage projects.
    • Develop the integration of IT project and service management as a custom framework extension.
    • Define and coordinate the development/procurement of an application that assembles and integrates core business processes: value creation, marketing, sales, delivery, and finance.
    • Develop and update as necessary the comprehensive but attractive starter kits for project managers and project team member.
    • Collaborate with stakeholder in improving project related standard operating procedures.
    • Plan to add and institute two new PMO divisions for knowledge management system and project manager career path in PMO.
    • Ensure right person on the right project.
    • Monitor and controll projects to finish on-time.
    • Guarantee customer satisfaction.
    • Maintain good payment performance and long-term business relationships.

    Key Achievements
    • Create robust ground rules for all project managers and project team members by releasing starter kits for project managers and team members (as a tool of develop project team process) to help project manager bringing the team from forming to performing team development stage. Also choosing the appropriate management style and authority types for each team development stage, as well as the motivation theories and how to ask demotivated team member related to the motivation theory, and good project reporting. Review communication model and its best practices, and project management template forms for specific purpose, just from the start of the project. To make the most and powerful starter kits, relevant parts of PMBOK guide and IT service management framework are incorporated into these starter kits in a fun and interesting ways. Make project managers more educated, fresher, and motivated while in developing the project team and handle problem more efficiently, effectively, and elegantly.
    • Refine the PMO development plan to help company progressing in next capability maturity model, selecting more relevant PMO service offerings and PMO service metrics. Make senior management and leaders and related stakeholder more aware and focus for this important goal.
    • Coordinate project managers to take part in PMO management event calendar that holds variety events from regular project managers meeting, scheduled project management topics, project management trends, to project management certification. Make all project managers can exchange issues and resolutions as well as to make the communications go smoother and maintain company-wide project knowledge.
    • Improve current project management approaches with project management guide and best practice. Result in a progress of company capability maturity level development.
    • Develop a custom framework uniting PMI PMBOK and IT service management to know and understand more the pattern of business activity (PBA) of clients. Result in the company which could respond to PBA more appropriate in the term of cost and productivity.
    • Integrate the critical thinking and intellectual information strategy in contract documents, requirement documents, and other formal message that most importantly needed information traits such as clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, fairness, and completeness to avoid dispute and discrepancy in the future. Make the interaction between us and clients more professional and elegant, same perception since the first agreement sign off, thus manages the customer expectation well and improves customer satisfaction for a long run.

    Jun 2013 – Mar 2014: IT Project Manager

    Key Roles & Responsibilities
    • Reported to the President Director 
    • Developed stakeholder management strategy
    • Developed project management plan
    • Directed and managed project work
    • Monitored and controlled project work
    • Performed integrated change control
    • Closed project or phase

    • Bank Indonesia, Rencana Bisnis Bank (RBB) Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Project
      • Date : May 2013 – Dec 2013
      • Team: 6
    • PT Bank ANZ Indonesia, Single CIF – FATCA Phase II Project
      • Date : May 2013 – Feb 2014
      • Team: 6
    • PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk., Sales Development Navigation Project
      • Date : Feb 2013 – Dec 2013
      • Team: 10

    Key Achievements
    • Ensured service level and customer satisfaction metrics are met and build collaborative customer relationships with client. Cross-sell company services to maximize account penetration. Help sales team by promoting current project deliverables that matches client business requirements.
    • Stepped into Bank Indonesia Rencana Bisnis Bank BPRS Project to replace prior Project Manager. With a temporary unavailable team leader for a month, still could make effective steps (with minimum additional cost) to speed up the business process and technical skill transfer knowledge to new project members. Brought the project back to the track in a month.
    • Proposed and monitor the development of new solution framework as generic template for all new coming projects. The separation of common service framework, business objects, and user interface layers allowed new projects to reuse the services available in the framework. Now developers’ focus is to program the business process while saves mandays for repetitive development tasks for the company.
    • Coordinated development resources to level in multiple projects well. Empowered them to accelerate in skill development and experience while optimized resource usages for multiple projects. 
    • Directed management and team well in technical insight from software and infrastructure analysis perception. Allowed quality and cost effective solution to be delivered consistently.

    Jan 2013 – May 2013: Senior Developer (Co-Project Manager)
    Key Roles & Responsibilities
    • Reported to the Project Manager, responsible to co-manage projects well with internationally standardized project management best practices (PMBoK) 
    • Worked as technical team leader and co Project Manager
    • Assisted Business Analyst in analyze user requirements and design the system
    • Assisted Project Manager in manage team assignment
    • Software development

    Key Achievements
    • Brought a project of PT. HM Sampoerna Tbk. to a success. Being the co-project manager, analyzed the root cause for the first project phase to fail and collected related information from all first phase stakeholder. Developed internal and external project timelines, re-united previous and new team member to accomplish internal project plan resulted in project go-live ahead. 
    • Introduced new log ticket to use for after go-live project maintenance phase. Lite, efficient, and effective to use while bug-and-error tracing system is not available.
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